

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

Cara Membuat Mochi Ice Cream

Kue mochi sangat populer di negeri sakura sebagai makanan tradisional dan merupakan hidangan khas di saat perayaan mochitsuki atau perayaan tahun baru Jepang. Kue lembut dan kenyal terbuat dari beras ketan yang ditumbuk ini memiliki pilihan rasa yang sangat beragam sebagai bahan isinya, seperti halnya dengan resep mochi isi es krim berikut.

Bahan :
  • 50 gram tepung beras ketan
  • 100 gram gula
  • 100 ml air

Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Resep Omurice (Nasi Omelet) Ala Jepang

Omurice (オムライス omurais?) adalah makanan Jepang berupa nasi putih yang digoreng bersama saus tomat dan dibungkus oleh telur goreng omelet. Namanya berasal dari kata omelet dan rice. Di atas omurice biasanya disiram sedikit saus tomat atau saus demiglace agar kelihatan menarik.
Nasi untuk omurice biasanya diberi daging ayam, udang, cumi-cumi, jamur, dan bawang bombay. Chicken rice adalah sebutan lain untuk nasi untuk omurice dengan daging ayam dan saus tomat.
Nasi untuk omurice diletakkan di atas telur dadar setengah matang yang dibuat di atas penggorengan, lalu dengan gerakan tangan seperti membalik isi penggorengan, nasi menjadi terbungkus dengan telur dadar. Omurice yang dibuat di rumah biasanya menggunakan teknik membungkus nasi dengan telur yang lebih mudah dengan cara membalikkan isi penggorengan di atas piring.

Senin, 05 Mei 2014


The subjunctive is a special kind of present tense, using an infinitive that has no –s in the third person singular.  It is often used when talking about something that somebody must do.
            I insist (that) your friend leave this house at once.   
The subjunctive is a formal construction.  It is more commonly used in American English than in British English, and more often in the written form than in the spoken form.  It was used much more frequently in old English, but many of these forms have now disappeared in modern English.


It is often used with a that-clause, especially in American English, to formally express the idea that something is important or essential. 
            I demand that he leave at once.

Paragraph Cause and Effect

            Technology development causes a positive and negative impact in media communication and information. The positive impact of technology development is people can communicate each other easier. We can communicate with friends, family, or people in the entire world unlimited. And, we can get accurate and up-to-date information in the entire world through internet. We are also able to access bank services very easily through internet anytime and anywhere. Beside of positive impact, technology development also leads to negative impact, such as utilization of network communication services by terrorists, the use of certain information and certain sites that are on the internet can be misused by certain parties for a particular purpose, confidentiality assay is increasingly threatened. Through the Internet we can obtain information about psychological tests, and can obtain psychological testing services directly from the Internet. In addition, there is small-scale anxiety due to computer technology which can make stress, such as, damage of the computer with a virus, lost many important files in the computer, etc. In a nutshell, technology development must be benefited carefully and everyone should have awareness to good use.

Argumentative Essay

Our success is in our hand
Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. I have learned that success is to be measured from how much we can overcome the obstacles in our life. So, I think that our success is in our hand. There are some reasons why I said that our success is in our hand. And the reason will be discuss in the following paragraph.
First, Success doesn’t come from other people. Our life is ours, it’s not theirs. We choose what we want to do, and we also choose what we will success or not. This is our life so we can’t rely on other people. I am sure that our success comes from our effort. We choose it and we reach it. It doesn’t depend on other people, it depend on our belief, our choice and our effort.

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Lirik+Translate: Ikimono Gakari - Uruwashiki Hito

Ah Uruwashiki ai no uta itsu no hi mo kawarazu ni
Atashi no mae de zutto utatte ite onegai
Kono mune ga tomaru made kono toki ga owaru made
Uruwashiki hito yo itsu made mo dakishimete

Sebuah lagu cinta indah yang tak pernah berubah
Tolong tetap nyanyikanlah untukku
Hingga jantungku berhenti, hingga akhir waktu
Orang baik, peluklah aku selamanya

Anata wa itsu datte muzukashii kotoba de
Atashi e no ai wo katarun da
Atashi wa tsuyogatte hatena maaku hikidashite
Sono tetsugaku wo tokiakasu no

Kau selalu berkata padaku bahwa kau mencintaiku dengan kata-kata yang sulit
Awalnya itu pertanyaan yang membekas dikepalaku karena kata-katamu terlalu filosofis
Tapi kita bicara dan aku sekarang bisa lebih mengerti dirimu